Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Relaxing and Self-Love

Day 5 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and relaxing.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

Receiving State: Relaxing

I relax as an act of self-love.  This demands that I prioritize myself above others for a certain period of time on a regular basis. This receiving state means that I stop resisting good and relax into the greatest love of all. The Love that powers my passion and creativity. The Love that ignites my spirit and heals my body. I am relaxing into elusive, demanding and uncompromising self-love.

With Love,


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Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Releasing and Self-Love

Day 22 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and being open.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.


Receiving State: Releasing

When I think of how self-love relates to releasing, I think of how we must release our limiting beliefs to open ourselves to transformation.  This usually means releasing old ideas of ourselves based on our past. Stories we repeatedly tell ourselves about who we are and can be in the world.

Because of my growing need to release, I wrote the following letter to my bodywork practitioner, Roger Hughes:

Can you connect me with the energy work practitioner you mentioned? It is becoming apparent to me that I have a lot of energy that needs to be released and I don’t know how to let it go. Something is telling me that my physical condition will not be completely healed until I can completely release. That realization actually came across in a dream.

I’m not really sure what is looking to be released but I know it pushes against my boundaries as soon as our sessions begin. I think because I suppress ‘It’, hyper-sensitivity has developed which makes me hesitant to interact with people. I think the hyper-sensitivity camouflages as sexual arousal as a way to entice me into opening up. I know that beneath the arousal is a deep well of shame and grief I have not allowed myself to truly feel. So as a protective measure, I stay relatively numb and closed.

I’m excited about the next steps.


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You may have noticed that just during that brief time I was crafting the email, I went from not being sure what needed to be released to knowing.  That is why journaling is so powerful. The contemplation required to express ideas automatically triggers self-exploration and release.

Each day, I grow more excited about this self-love journey.

Image credit:  Laura Kasperzak

Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Hearing and Self-Love

Day 7 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and hearing.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

Receiving State: Hearing

When I think of how self-love relates to hearing, I think of how I have to quiet my own inner critic to hear the voice of others. I have to quiet my self-doubts in order to hear the yearning of another soul. The request for someone who needs my help or wants to give me love and attention.  Identifying the bounty around me requires more than eyes to see. It also requires an open heart and a spirit willing to hear.

With Love,



Image Credit:  The Passionate Wife

Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Chakras and the Mind-Body Connection

The entire universe is made of energy, and your body is no exception.

In a recent workshop at Bodhi titled ‘Your Body is Your Mirror’. During the workshop, licensed spiritual practitioners guided the class through exercises to understand and explore our body mind connection.  One such activity was a guided chakra meditation. Here’s a brief description of each chakra and the related body area.

chakra and body

Crown: Endocrine System – Pineal Gland; Body – Cerebral cortex; Function – Connects us with our Spiritual self.  (Read more about Crown Chakra)

Third Eye: Endocrine System – Pituitary Gland; Body – Autonomic nervous system; Function – Intuitive centre of will and psychic abilities.    (Read more about third-eye Chakra)

Throat: Endocrine System – Thyroid; Body – Respiratory system; Function – Communication and self-expression.  (Read more about Throat Chakra)

Heart Chakra: Endocrine System – Thymus; Body – Circulatory system; Function – Unconditional love and self-love.  (Read more about Heart Chakra)

Solar Plexus: Endocrine system – Pancreas; Body – Digestive system; Function – Power and wisdom centre.  (Read more about Solar Plexus Chakra)

Sacral: Endocrine System – Ovaries and testes; Body: Reproductive system; Function – Centre of sexual energy, feelings and emotions.  (Read more about Sacral Chakra)

Root: Endocrine System – Adrenals; Body – Excretory System; Function – Survival. (Read more about Root Chakra)

“Enlightenment is making friendship with the whole existence.”
Amit Ray


heart chakra 2

Based on my feelings during the meditation, it was apparent that I need to work on opening my heart chakra and unblocking my throat chakra.  The heart chakra deficit shows itself in resistance to feeling strong emotions and avoiding deep connections. My throat chakra blockage actually presents itself as a physical sensation.  My throat is often tight and constricted.  I tend to breathe shallowly as well.  When upset, my voice can completely lock-up and I lose the ability to speak.

throat chakra


There are several spiritual tools you can heal to balance and heal your chakras.

chakra meditation on beach

Affirmations.  I choose affirmations that remind me of my wholeness and ability to love and forgive myself and others.

Forgiveness Practice.     I am called to complete the forgiveness practice in order to release the negative feelings and the associated limiting beliefs. I wrote about the forgiveness practice here and here.

Prayers and Meditation

The ho’opono prayer

This is the short version of the Hawaiian prayer for forgiveness and resolution.  I repeat this prayer while resting my hands on my stomach, throat, or any body part that is aching. This also acts as a meditation.

I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I wish you every success on your own spiritual journey.

With Love,


Related Articles from Mindvalley.com


book - body keeps score     book - chakra healing      book - chakra wheels of life

book - heal your body

Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Acknowledging and Self-Love

Day 8 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and acknowledging.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

Receiving State: Acknowledging

When I think of how self-love relates to ‘acknowledging’, I think of the various ways we reject portions of ourselves that either disturb or upset us in some way. Self-love is the ability to acknowledge our own darkness just as much as we embrace the light. What happens after the acknowledging is up to us — so is what we discover. 

Here are some things I acknowledge about myself:


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I have a temper.

Most people would not believe this because I keep tight control of my anger. I do not like the effect anger has on my body and emotions, so I neutralize it as soon as it arises. I am learning a different approach now; letting the emotion rise up to be released. After consideration, I realized that I was not neutralizing anger but simply repressing it due to the lack of acknowledgement.


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I am inclined to be selfish.

Again, I think most people who know me would be surprised by this. That is because I acknowledge this aspect of my character and make conscious efforts to be giving.

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I am a sensation freak.

This could mean many things but essentially it means that I seek pleasure in most things:  food, sex, entertainment, etc. The bigger the endorphin or dopamine release, the better. This can lead to overindulging which makes self-discipline and balance a high priority for me.

With Love,


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Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Hearing and Self-Love

Day 7 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and hearing.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

It is all an open secret. ~Ram Maharshi

Receiving State: Hearing

When I think of how self-love relates to hearing, I think of how it is an act of love to remain open and willing enough to hear your inner guide. It is an act of love to stay so deep inside yourself and connected with your every thought and action that you hear what your thoughts are really trying to tell you. What your soul is wanting to reveal and the secrets the Universe is longing to share.


Yesterday, I made a point of listening to my intuition. I let it lead me to make a certain purchase, change an appointment, buy a random gift and give my full attention to someone who needed connection.

Last night, I dreamed that my naturopath was advising me on creating a plan to eliminate personal debt. She said that I could address my own debt relatively easily and directly. Pay $76 per month through 2018 and I will be done. But she said, there’s a debt you don’t know about that belongs to your mother. Until you clear that, you will never really be debt free. She advised that I pay $84 per month to clear my mom’s debt and then my personal debt will drop to $64 down from $76. She wrote these numbers on a white board as I sat in her office.


The first thing I thought about when I woke this morning was ancestral karma clearing. I am listening, I heard and now I will act. I will reach out to my Shamanic practitioner now and devise a plan of action for ancestral karma clearing.

I’m continuing with the 22 days of Receiving practice recommended by Edward Viljoen. Gotta love those Bodhi Spiritual Center classes and workshops!!

With Love,


Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Revealing and Self-Love

Day 6 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and revealing.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

Receiving State: Revealing

When I think of how self-love relates to revealing, I think of how it is an act of love to reveal the false beliefs that I hold inside. Beliefs that are often negative and limiting.

Earlier today, my husband and I were discussing preparing for an upcoming condo renovation. As part of this, I need to remove some items from my closet and place them in the living room which should remain dust free. The thought that rose up was, “but my heart will be on display”.

I felt a part of me wanting to resist that admission. Afterall, who wants to think that their heart is in things, but I chose to surrender and let the false belief be revealed and the feeling of shame rise-up to be released.

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I realize this is one of the false beliefs I have carried around since childhood. That I am unable to create intimate connections with people because I can’t handle emotion, or just don’t want to be bothered. Just from the few months I’ve been with Bodhi, I know this is not the truth of who I am. It was how my step-dad interacted with me and I ASSUMED that was HIS truth. He would give me money or buy me something but he wasn’t interested in conversation or spending time with me. I’m now willing to consider that I was wrong about ‘fear or resistance to intimacy’ being his truth as well.

I’m continuing with the 22 days of Receiving practice recommended by Edward Viljoen. Gotta love those Bodhi Spiritual Center classes and workshops!!

With Love,



Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Including and Self-Love

Day 2 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and including.

I have committed to 22 days of exploring the spiritual practice of receiving. I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.

Day 2 Receiving State: Including

When I think of self-love and acceptance, I think of my shadow-self. The aspects of me that are not openly expressed in daily life. Perhaps character traits I regret and do not accept, yet are undeniable.  As the famed psychologist, Carl Jung once said, “what you resist persists”.


So I am including these behaviors or states of being in my self-exploration: lust, jealousy, shame, greed, selfishness and self-indulgence.

With Love,


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Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book


Spiritual Practice of Receiving: Meditating and Self-Love

Day 1 of 22 recording my thoughts on the spiritual practice of receiving. Today’s post is about the relationship between self-love and meditating.

For the next 22 days, I will examine my heart’s greatest desire of complete self-love and its relationship with a variety of receiving states.  During this same time, I am also to do the following:

  1. Receive anything offered to me with a simple “Thank You”. No attempts at reciprocation, self-deprecation or deflection.  I am to receive and be fully grateful.
  2. Practice gratitude each evening before falling asleep. Identify at least five things I am grateful for that occurred that day. Ideally, this would be written in my journal.
  3. As a way to remove blocks to receiving, I must also forgive myself and others. This will be done each evening as well.

I know this may seem like a lot but it only takes minutes per day. Think of it as a fitness routine for the soul.

Bring it on Universe!

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Day 1 Receiving State: Meditating

I see the relationship between self-love and meditation as a ‘chicken before the egg’ scenario. On some level you need self-love (or at least appreciation) in order to give yourself the gift of meditation.

It requires appreciation of your body, mind and spirit to take time out of this blazing pace of life to stop and just be. Not push, plan or reminisce. Just to be in the moment and experience your being on the planet.


Ironically, meditation often increases self-love as you remember the truth of who you are and how much you have to offer as a spiritual being having a human experience.

With Love,


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Related Reading

power of receiving - book

ordinary goodness - book
